White gold heart pendant with zircons
Un medalion seducător din aur galben de 14 k,impregnat cu zirconiu strălucitor și turmalină!
Bijuterii care adaugă strălucire și sunt completarea perfectă pentru un aspect strict de afaceri!
Greutatea medalionului 5.00 gr.
Acest model este unic,are o manopera italiană de înaltă calitate și este într-o singură bucată.
Pietrele sunt montate, nu lipite, ceea ce contribuie la rezistența lor.
La comanda online, bijuteriile vor ajunge la Dvs. intr-o cutie cadou frumoasă si sunt insotite de un certificat de calitate.
585 White gold
Weight: 1.17 grams
Length: 2.5 cm
White zircons
The jewellery pieces you will find in our store are manufactured manually and thus one of a kind. Orders are normally delivered within no more than 72 hours. In the package you will also find a Warranty Certificate and the relevant fiscal document. Read more about our delivery.
Our jewellery is manufactured using advanced technology that allows for our products to be delicate, yet extremely strong and durable. All gems embedded in them, are mounted, not glued, which adds to their strength and durability. Learn more about quality jewellery.
All products in this online store are offered under a Registration Certificate from the Ministry of Finance for processing and marketing of precious metals and gemstones.
The indicated price is inclusive VAT.
Material color:White
Valentine's Day